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1st Virtual Air Expeditionary Wing Open House!


As a way of giving back to the DCS community, the 1st AEW will open its doors to host a mission night on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 2000 hrs EST (0000 UTC) and Saturday, March 25, 2023, at 1930 EST (2330 UTC). Join us on this challenging and fun mission on the Caucuses map that will include live ATC, AWACS, and JSTARS.

This mission is open to all members of the DCS community, individual pilots and organized squadrons are all welcome to join us for one or both nights of action. 

Available aircraft/missions include:

  1. F-16C (SEAD, SWEEP, DCA, CAP)


  3. F/A-18C (STRIKE, DCA, CAP)

  4. AH-64D (AP)

  5. UH-1H (CSAR)

For more information or to sign up, please join the 1st AEW Discord using the link below.

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